What is the Sliding Index?

The sliding index is meant to give you an idea of what products will fit best on the turning shelves from EasyFill. It gives you guidance on when the product is a perfect fit out of the box and when to use a sliding aid, either to reduce friction or help the product to stand in upright position.

A general recommendation is to start with products with sliding index A or B, but your specific needs may require turning shelves for products with sliding index C or even D.

The aim is always to have a well working First In, First Out principle in conjunction with a good fronting of the products. This will help you reduce the time to replenish, increase your sales and fight food waste.

Sliding Aids

There are two main aids to improve the sliding and presentation of more troublesome products.

Roller Tracks

For products that don’t slide well due to their weight, plan to use roller tracks. This is typically low weight carbon boxes but could also be high weight packages with a high friction bottom.

EasyFill roller tracks are modular and adjustable in length. They are fitted in the divider tracks and can be easily moved around and placed only where needed. For wider products you might need two parallel roller tracks for balance, but you will never need to fill the entire shelf bottom.

Roller Tracks

EasyFill's modular Roller Tracks.

Gravity Pushers

For products that don’t slide well due to their design, plan to use gravity pushers. This is typically needed for high products that can’t stand on their own, like bags of dry soup mixes or chocolate bars.

The gravity pusher gives extra weight from behind and helps the products to stand up together. It comes in four different sizes and is easy for the replenishment staff to put aside when refilling.

You can put a sticker on the gravity pusher that will be visible if the products run out.

Gravity Pusher

The Gravity Pusher gives extra weight from behind and keeps the products in upright position.

Clean Shelves

The sliding performance of the shelf will decrease with time due to wear and tear. This is easily solved.

Super Glidex

Use Super Glidex, a silicon-based lubricant, to enhance sliding performance. Put a small amount of Super Glidex on a sponge and apply it evenly over the surface where the sliding needs to improve. It is done in a few seconds. Super Glidex could be bought from EasyFill.

Super Glidex

A silicon product to restore great sliding performance in your shelf.

Wash the Shelf

If the shelf is really dirty, for instance if a jar of jam breaks, it needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Luckily, it is easy to remove the shelf bottom, even without tools.

1.     Remove all the products.

2.    Remove the front stopper by pulling it straight up.

3.    Lift up the two plastic bottom pieces.

4.    If necessary, remove the dividers, otherwise let them stay in place.

5.    Wash the bottom pieces with dish soap and water, or simply put them in a dishwasher.

6.    Finish the job by applying Super Glidex.

7.     Put the shelf back together.

Ask EasyFill for help

EasyFill is here to help. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

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Sliding Index

Sliding index ranking

A   Perfect fit.

B   May need some aid or extra care, otherwise very good.

C  Perfectly possible, but not the optimal product.

D   Not recommended, though possible.

E   Not recommended.

Package Categories

Package Category
Example Products
Sliding Index Aid Remark
Tin Cans
Normal size
Wide and Flat
B Gravity Pusher Instead of double or triple stack, or even more, these should be placed face front, not face up. Though sliding performance is good, a gravity pusher is needed for stability.
Glass Jars
Normal size
Small size
Baby food
Family pack
A Large items may need extra free space to the shelf above.
Due to the cut corners, large items may not be optimal to place at the far left or right.
Jam, olives
A Consider using a slightly higher front stopper, approximately half the height of the product.
Spices A
Glass Bottles
Normal size
Soda, beer, sauce
High and Narrow
Oil, vineagar
A If the bottle has a short neck, consider using a slightly higher front stopper, approximately half the height of the product.
Aluminium Cans
Normal size
Soda, beer
Energy drink
Plastic Jars
Normal size
Honey, peanut butter
Light Weight
B Roller Tracks or Gravity Pusher
Plastic Bottles
Low or medium gravity center
Ketchup, sauce, shampoo
High gravity center
Up-side-down bottles
B Gravity Pusher Consider using a slightly higher front stopper, approximately half the height of the product.
In some cases, a Gravity Pusher may be needed to help the products from falling.
Standing tubes
Mustard, sunscreen
Squeeze Pouch
Baby food
B Gravity Pusher A gravity pusher is needed to keep the pouches in upright position.
Nail polish
B Roller Track The low weight in relation to plastic friction may require a roller track.
Big pack olive oil
B Roller Track Some larger plastic bottles have higher friction and could require a roller track.
Large items may need extra free space to the shelf above.
Due to the cut corners of the shelf, large items may not be optimal to place at the far left or right.
Plastic Bags
Heavy, self-standing
Rice, pasta
B Roller Track Self-standing means that the product can stand on an angled shelf without falling, for instance rice and pasta packages with a distinct bottom.
Some self-standing plastic bags have higher friction and require a roller track.
Heavy, not self-standing
Rice, pasta
C Roller Track and/or Gravity pushers A combination of roller tracks to reduce friction and gravity pusher to keep the product upright may be needed.
Heavy, not self-standing
Rice, pasta
C Roller Track and/or Gravity pushers A combination of roller tracks to reduce friction and gravity pusher to keep the product upright may be needed.
Light weight
Chips, salad
C Gravity pushers Chips and salad bags work well with gravity pushers, though some caution is needed to not damage the content.
Wide and Flat
Sausage package
B Roller Track or Gravity Pushers Gravity pushers may be needed if the product should be presented upright, otherwise roller track may be needed to reduce friction. It is also quite possible that no aid is needed.
Nuts, soup mix
B Gravity Pushers A gravity pusher is needed to keep the bags in upright position.
Plastic Containers
Potato salad, miso paste, butter
Not self-standing
Sliced ham, sliced cheese
B Gravity Pusher A gravity pusher is needed to keep the containers in upright position.
Paper Bags
Sugar, cake mix
Heavy self-standing
B Roller Track Some heavier bags may need Roller Tracks to reduce friction.
Not self-standing
Single package of soup mix, spices
B Gravity Pusher A gravity pusher is needed to keep the bag in upright position.
Cardboard Boxes
Light, stable base
B Roller Track or Gravity Pusher The low weight may require roller tracks or a gravity pusher.
Heavy, stable base
Cocoa powder, beans
Unstable base
Package of soup mixes, box of chocolates
B Gravity Pusher A gravity pusher is needed to keep the box in upright position.
Tetra Pak® package
Dairy, juice
Metalic tubes
Paint, cosmetics, fish paste
D These containers slide well, but it is hard to maintain the First In, First Out principle since they will glide on top of each other.
Chocolate bars
B Gravity Pusher A gravity pusher is needed to keep the chocolate bars in upright position.
Round fruit or vegetables
Citrus fruit, bell pepper
D Requires extra cleaning care.
Other fruit or vegetables
Citrus fruit, bell pepper
D Roller Tracks Roller tracks are needed to reduce friction.
Requires extra cleaning care.